Marslife.org brings an immersive reconstruction of the incredible journeys of the NASA Mars rovers, live from the surface of planet Mars. The website taps straight into the public NASA mission archives and generates 360 views from the actual raw rover camera footage. Visitors of the Marslife website can stay up-to-date with Curiosity and Perseverance while their missions evolve.
Marslife would like to thank all at NASA and everyone else involved for these exceptional space exploration missions. Thank you for making it happen! Special thanks go out to Michael Howard, D.J. Ellison and everyone at the UMSF forum.
Enjoy your stay on Mars.
Rob Haarsma / phaseIV
Press the TAB and X key to show or hide the menus. On mobile devices you can press the red circle to do this. Use the arrow buttons and the keyboard keys to jump one step back or forward in the rover mission.
Sol index
The Sol index on the right allows you to navigate through the full rover mission, from touchdown to present. The list has Earth years and names of Martian landmarks added.Main view
The panorama's can be rotated with the mouse or trackpad. Mobile devices can use the gyroscope for an immersive VR view.Yellow paths show the route traversed and blue paths indicate the route ahead. Click the Sol numbers above the path to navigate to that area. Hover the mouse over a Sol number (or a long touch on mobile devices) to get location information for that site relative to the current position. Double-click anywhere in a panorama to bring images to the front.
Options menu
The Options menu on the left is pretty self-explanatory except for the 'image product' dropdown button. Here you can select alternate images for viewing such as stereographic (red/blue anaglyph) images or science images (if available) from the Planetary Data System archive.Chapter 5 of this PDF document has a description of the available image products from PDS.
Keyboard Shortcuts
TAB | Show or hide onscreen menus |
X | Show or hide image placeholder overlay |
P | Show or hide rover traverse path (MSL) |
C | Enable or disable color correction |
V | Switch camera perspective |
A | Toggle anaglyph viewing |
S | Show or hide Sky (MSL) |
M | Show or hide Mastcam images (MSL) |
G | Save screenshot |
Left/Down | Jump to previous mission sol |
Right/Up | Jump to next mission sol |
- | Zoom camera out |
= (+) | Zoom camera in |
Recommended NASA Sites:
Curiosity Mission updatesInteractive map - Where is Perseverance Now?
Interactive map - Where is Curiosity Now?
Curiosity Mosaics
Mars exploration:
NASA/JPL Mars exploration website
Mars2020 Perseverance website
MSL Curiosity website
MER Spirit and Opportunity website
Mission data:
Perseverance Raw images
MSL Curiosity Raw images
MER Spirit and Opportunity Raw images
NASA Planetary Data System
PDS Mars Exploration Online Data Volumes
NAIF/Spice mission data kernels
Other Marslife projects:
Marslife announcer @Twitter
Marslife images and movies @Flickr
Mars rover 360 movies @Youtube
Addons for Blender @Github